Young Learners English Course

Antalya Osman Sabri® English Course for young learners is accredited by Turkish Ministry of Education in terms of English, Spanish and Turkish Languages and their official exams in the Mediterranean Region, Antalya, Turkey

Osman Sabri® Language School accepts young learners by classifying them in 3 categories according to their age, english level and education status.

If these young learners have english,they are examined in 4 skills of english ( reading,writing, speaking, listening,grammar and vocabulary ) before they are placed in the classes with 12 students .

After the assessment of their exams, their enrolment is completed with their parents or legal advisors ,the length of English course ranges from 6-24 months

According to their parents ‘ requests .Young students attend english classess twice a week as 6 and 10 hours per week. Morning, afternoon, evening and weekend sessions are available that you can choose .

The documents that we use in our English course are provided from Pearson,Cambridge and Oxford publishing houses with charge .

At the end of academic terms, elementary school students ( primary school ) are examined to be certified by Ministery of Education from A1 to C2 Level or they are forwarded to get Cambridge Esol examination such as Movers, Flyers and Ket.

To have further information please get an appointment to visit us